Cập nhật lúc 10:41, 05/06/2023 (GMT+7)

“Influence of Soviet Law Model on the Modern Legal Systems

 of Russia, China and Vietnam”

Thursday, 12th October, 2023

9:00am-2:00pm Moscow time, GMT+3

1:00pm-6:00pm Hanoi time, GMT+7

2:00pm-7:00pm Hong Kong time, GMT+8




The Soviet law model was born and developed in the former Soviet Union, then was introduced and had great influence in the system of socialist states at that time. With its own traditions and characteristics, Soviet law was once considered to be a legal model in the world. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the socialist countries carried out reforms and renewed their political, legal, economic and social regimes suitable to their specific conditions and circumstances. Russia chose the path of transition to capitalism, while some other countries such as China and Vietnam have continued the socialist path with reforms and innovations suitable to the new situations. Despite this, the Soviet law model continues to have influences on their modern legal systems to this day. They have affected the development trends of the law in the context of globalization, integration and innovation in the countries. The comparison of the legal systems under the influence of Soviet law is also meaningful for them. The study and clarification of the above issues are meaningful to build lessons and experiences for Russia, China, and Vietnam, and at the same time contribute to the study of legal importation, democratic transition and law reform in general.

In order to provide an opportunity for scholars to discuss and share their views on the above issues,  an international conference titled Influence of Soviet Law Model on the Modern Legal Systems of Russia, China and Vietnam will be co-hosted on 12th October, 2023 by:

·                     University of Law, Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU-UL)

·                     Centre for Asian Legal Studies of the Faculty of Law, Lomonosov Moscow State University

·                     Public Law and Human Rights Forum, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong

The themes of the conference will include:

·                     The establishment, principles, features, influence and spread of the Soviet law model;

·                     The process of receiving, importing and developing the Soviet law model in Russia, China, and Vietnam;

·                     The influence of the Soviet law model on the modern legal systems (legal sources, legal thinking, legal structures, legal techniques, legal ideology, legal culture, legal consciousness, law training, legal profession, legal aid, legal science, judicial system, legal procedures, branches and fields of constitutional, administrative, criminal, civil, economic, commercial, procedural law and international law...) in Russia, China, Vietnam;

·                     The interaction and influence of the Soviet law model with the legal development trends in the context of globalization, integration and innovation in Russia, China and Vietnam;

·                     Comparative study of the process of reception, introduction, development and influence of Soviet law in Russia, China and Vietnam.

Conference Host, Platform and Language

·                     The Conference will be hosted by VNU-UL at 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam

·                     The Conference will take place via the Zoom Meetings platform.

·                     The language used at the Conference is English

Submission of Abstracts

Authors should submit a 200-400 word abstract (in English), which includes a title of the proposed paper and his/her short biographical details (including name, email, academic appointment, affiliations).

Abstracts are to be submitted by 30th June 2023 to us via the link: QRCode for ABSTRACT SUBMISSION/GỬI TÓM TẮT BÀI VIẾT (Influence of Soviet Law Model Conference)

The decision for accepting the abstracts will be informed to the authors by 6th July 2023.   

If you have difficulties in submitting this form, please email us at

Submission of Papers

Full papers (in English/Vietnamese; English is preferred) are required prior to the conference. Please submit your full papers to us via email by 15th September, 2023


After peer review, selected papers will be published in one of the following outlets:

Publication in prestigious law journal:

Selected papers (by invitation) will be published in:

- VNU Journal of Science - Legal Studies (recognised as one of prestigious Vietnamese law journals, open access): ; published issues in English (for reference) ;


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Publication of conference proceedings book by prestigious publisher

Selected papers will be published in the conference proceedings book, with agreement from authors. The conference proceedings book will be published for non-commercial purposes in a prestigious publisher. Publishing fees are contributed by the authors themselves on the principle of ensuring adequate payment for editing and publishing at the publisher.

To facilitate the editing process, we would appreciate it if you could adhere to the submission deadline and follow the specifications below in preparing your conference paper. Failure to comply will result in the paper not being included.

               Paper Title, Author's Title and Name, University/Organization, and Email Address

               Font: Times New Roman, size 12

               Single line spacing of text throughout

               Microsoft Word Document Format (.doc or .docx)

               Length: no more than 10,000 words, inclusive of footnotes (5000 to 8000-word papers are preferred)

               Language: English (in case that Vietnamese authors cannot write in English, paper in Vietnamese with an English abstract can still be accepted).

               Referencing standard: Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA):


Please register your participation by 06 October 2023 via this link:

QRCode for Registration - Đăng ký tham dự hội thảo (Influence of Soviet Law Model Conference)

Conference attendance is free; however, registration is a must in order to attend (for both authors and participants without papers). The authors and presenters at the Conference are not paid for their papers and contribution. Except for the ones who are officially invited by the Organizing Committee, anyone must ensure his/her travel and living expenses during the course of the Conference. Guidelines for conference attendance will be sent to you via email.


Conference website: (to be added)

Please direct queries about the conference to us at


Hanoi, 02 June 2023

Yours sincerely

The Conference Organizing Committee







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